Royal Ascot is just around the corner and for the past few months we have been getting in requests from our clients for their morning coats and waistcoats. We are used to hearing the ladies attire being spoken of more and stealing the show and not necessarily for the right reasons either, therefore we'd like to put the spotlight on the men with a small guide on how to dress for the occasion.

It’s crucial to remember that are different enclosures: The Royal Enclosure, The Queen Ann Enclosure, The Village Enclosure and The Windsor Enclosure, each with different levels of smartness, with main differences being whether your allowed to not wear a top hat, a more contemporary stylish attire, and finally the more relaxed area. However we are only going to focus on the Royal Enclosure as this is the section we have mostly been asked about to generate looks for and the more specific to get right.

Its technically the grandest of the enclosures but also the most simplest in terms of choice, its keeping that subtle grandeur with an extra flair that keeps the gentlemen of the day comfortable and able to enjoy the best of the best. 

For example black or grey morning dress, therefore morning coat, waistcoat and tie, no cravats and paired with a black or grey top hat which again must stay simple with not ribbons or bands. The waistcoat and tie can be any colour choice you wish, though obviously this still needs to be kept demure in style and of course plain black shoes worn with socks. 

There are certain exceptions that can be made throughout the day in this enclosure but only concerning hats, which can be removed in areas such as restaurants, private boxes and clubs.

We have selected some our favourites of the royals and the famous worn throughout the years.


In terms of the coats, its most traditional to go for a peaked lapel, as seen on all these images. However you can opt for a small trim around the collar and peaked lapel in a satin if you want that subtle difference.


We often get most enquires about the different type of waistcoats to wear, mostly as there is a lot different choice in this department. As you can go for the single breasted with or without lapel, double breasted with lapel, or the horseshoe. And then there is the question of the lapel itself, whether that be shawl or peaked. Any of these are appropriate for this enclosure it just depends purely on preference and the type of look you wish to go for. 

Do get in touch if you'd like any help on the definition and clarity of what to wear in all terms bespoke tailoring and suiting. 

Sophie-Nicol Dodds