The Difference Between Full & Semi Bespoke Suits

Are you taking your first steps into the world of gentleman’s style? A bespoke suit is an essential part of any dapper wardrobe - and there are two main ways to get yours designed. Find out the difference between full and semi-bespoke garments, and which one is best suited to you:

What Is Full & Semi Bespoke Tailoring?

There are two primary types of bespoke suit: full and semi. 

Full Bespoke Suit

A full bespoke suit is the traditional, quintessential way of designing a tailored suit, using hand drafted and cut patterns taken from your measurements, before being fully hand stitched and hand finished by your tailor. This luxury experience products a unique garment that is perfectly fitted to you - taking in every inch of your physique and moulded to your movements including poses and gait. A full bespoke suit has a natural finish - the more you wear the suit, the better it fits.

Semi Bespoke

A semi bespoke suit is a contemporary tailoring process that is ideal for speed. With semi bespoke, your suit is made straight to finish, without the need for the lengthier fitting appointments that a full bespoke suit requires. Using state-of-the-art CAD software, the tailor cuts your pattern, which features a half canvas and will be half stitched.

Full Or Semi Bespoke: Which Is Best For Me?

There are a number of factors that can be influential in the choice between full and semi bespoke, including:


A full bespoke suit is typically more expensive than a semi bespoke, reflecting the additional craftsmanship that goes into refining the measurements of your perfect-fitting garment. 


A full bespoke suit requires several fittings, some of which are needed simply for minor alterations. If you’re unable to attend multiple fittings at the London shop, then a semi bespoke suit may be a better option for you. 

Turnaround Time

A semi bespoke suit can be turned around in as little as 6 weeks, whilst a full bespoke suit requires a longer crafting process. If you have an upcoming event and are desperately in need of your suit, then semi bespoke may be more suitable - but if you have the time to relax and let the tailors work their magic, then a full bespoke suit is a better investment.

Book Your Bespoke Appointment In London

Get a bespoke look that signals luxury with our unique bespoke garments. To book your fitting, get in touch with our team today

Natalie Crouch